Something strange happened in Regensburg...
We had free time to roam the city!
Regensburg was one of the most colorful cities I've ever seen, and full of fantastical architecture. Situated at the confluence of the Danube and Regen rivers, Regensburg has been populated since the stone age. The medieval citizens took "keeping up with the Jones" to a whole new level, and built high towers onto their homes in a competition to see who would have the highest. Regensburg is a beautiful city with tiny medieval streets and alleys filled with quaint and bizarre shops. I loved Regensburg!
First sight of the Dom. |
The markets are as colorful as the houses. |
King Ludwig I - King of Bavaria in the Domplatz
Karmelite Truffles! Who knew?! |
A medieval tower; one of many.
We stopped for a visit in the Alte Kappelle,
a Romanesque church (1000+ years old),
with medieval alterations, and a Rococo decor
that was quite astonishing. |
This plain side chapel near the door hardly prepares you for what's around the corner... |
Rococo BOOM! |
A view from the vestibule. We thought this was all we would see, because the church isn't normally open outside of service hours. We lucked out and saw the church opened for a choir practice. They didn't mind us going in for the full effect! |
A Balcony for the Organ Master |
The amazing ceiling. |
The high altar. |
One of the ceiling friezes.
After a little bit of Rococo overload,
we set off for some shopping in the old town
surrounding the Dom, Regensburg Cathedral. |
Follow the cobbled brick road... |
Hats made to order. |
Easter Eggs. |
There were lots of little display boxes on the walls outside of the shops. Brooch anyone? |
Key to the City? |
Name Plates? |
I wanted these soooo bad. Unfortunately they were real, not costume. |
"Wer war der Tor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser?
Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich."
"Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death."
Such lovely little eggs. |
Traditional dress shops are everywhere, and people really do wear lederhosen and dirndl here! |
More Fabulous architecture and color. |
As the sun started to set and shops started to close, we decided to take a walk along the river.
We found many more novelties along the way.
Graffiti. Some of it pretty cool. |
I loved the vines stretched over the back of this house. |
I spy with my little eye... |
The pedestrian bridge over the river was decorated with Love Locks, publicly declared love. |
A Whole Lotta Love! |
The Stone Bridge in the distance was built 1135–1146. The knights of the 2nd and 3rd crusade used it to cross the Danube on their way to the Holy Land. |
Looking up the river at the beautiful sunset. |
The Dom is always in sight. |
The sun sets on three friends meeting at the bridge. |
and again... |
The Cathedral awaits our arrival in the morning. Little did we know that we'd be up on that platform singing happy birthday to Danae before lunchtime! |