Wow! Can't believe a whole month has gone by, but I've been so busy working full time, its just whizzed by! I finished up my time with the York Glaziers Trust in spectacular fashion; I was given the opportunity to make and install a tiny window in York Minster! They don't get new windows very often, so you can imagine what an honour it is for me. Mind you its a tiny window, high up in the south east spire, which has had some major repairs recently, but it will be visible from below once the scaffolding comes down. Here's a few photos of the project.
18th century bullseye glass and lead came samples.
Finished window on the work bench.
Installed in York Minster!!!!
Me and my window.
I also spent several days learning the art of glass painting. This paint is fired in a kiln at 630 degrees celcius. These are my finished pieces, which are copies of actual pieces from York Minster's Great East Window.
Its designed to look old.
An Angel with one of the Four Winds
A Winged Lion
1950's unpainted glass with a new painted backing plate.
My time at the York Glaziers Trust was a dream come true. I loved every minute of my time there, especially our forays up into the Minster, which Nick made sure I got my fill of before I finished. Here are a few more photos from the top of the scaffolding.
New carving
The view out from the scaffolding, while installing my window.
The view out from installing my window; notice the Minster roof below us?
Looking up at new carvings; The Afflictions: Bad Back
Tooth Ache
Your guess is as good as mine!
Another view out. 
Looking out from inside "Clare's Turret"
Stay tuned for a new post about my new adventure at the National Railway Museum, which has started with flying colors.